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Chronicle Counsel: New RDACC Board brings fresh solutions

new RDACC Board

A new RDACC Board has been appointed.

Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC)’s new board comprises a panel of business and community leaders responsible for driving economic and employment growth across the Central Coast.  

Led by Chairman Lawrie McKinna and newly-appointed board member and Deputy Chair David Bacon, the 12-person committee has been appointed on a three-year tenure and endorsed by the Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional  Development and Communications. 

RDACC Chair and former Mayor of Gosford City, Lawrie McKinna, who took up the role as  Chair in January this year, says the new board will play a critical role in developing our regional economy and creating local employment opportunities at a time where it’s needed most.  

“This latest period of lockdown has hit many Central Coast businesses hard, and we know that rebuilding our local economy on the other side of this will be more important than ever before,”  says Mr McKinna. 

“Our role here at RDACC is to make sure all levels of government and industry are working together to attract funding and investment to our region so that we are achieving the best outcomes possible for the people of the Central Coast. 

“Every one of the dozen people making up the new RDACC Board is aware of this  responsibility and are dedicated to helping our community rebuild so we can bounce back  even stronger than before.” 

RDACC CEO and Director of Regional Development, John Mouland, says the new board will build on the strong achievements of RDACC to date and bring fresh ideas and solutions to the table. 

“RDACC has a strong track record of achieving for the people of the Central Coast,” says Mr  Mouland. 

“Despite the challenges of recent years, we’ve led the delivery of over $800M of infrastructure spending on the Coast that resulted from the landmark Central Coast Infrastructure Priority process, deployed the Central Coast Food Innovation Initiative that has delivered numerous local outcomes including the Coast’s first-ever Australian Food & Agribusiness Doctoral  Training Centre (DTC), and led unprecedented roundtable discussions between all sides of the government and regional leaders.

Regional Development Australia Central Coast 

“With half of the board being newly-elected members (6 out of 12), this offers the perfect  balance of experience and fresh ideas to build on RDACC’s various achievements and strong  regional reputation while exploring new ideas and solutions to overcome regional issues.” 

RDACC Board Members 1 July 2021 – 30 June 2024: 

Lawrie McKinna (Chair) Former Mayor of Gosford City and inaugural Central Coast Mariners  Coach 

David Bacon (Deputy Chair) Senior Executive and former Executive Officer, Central Coast  Area Consultative Committee 

Edgar Adams Central Coast Business Review 

Dr Tamara Bucher University of Newcastle 

Joe Coyte The Glen Aboriginal Rehabilitation Centre 

Anna Cruckshank Aubrey Brown Lawyers 

Michael Dowling Senior Consultant 

Kerry Harman H&H Catering  

Dr Clare Keogh Business Management Specialist 

Chris King Director Mingara Recreation Club 

Frank Sammut Central Coast Industry Connect 

Chris Smith Senior Town Planner and Deputy Chairman, Urban Development Institute of  Australia (Central Coast) 

For further updates and full board, member profiles visit rdacc.org.au/our-people 

Mr McKinna has thanked all previous RDACC Board members for their service to the  Central Coast community. 

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