- 1882 German scientist Robert Koch discovers and describes the tubercle bacillus which causes tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), and establishes germ theory
- 1976 Argentine President Isabel Martínez de Perón is deposed in a military coup headed by Jorge Rafael Videla
- 2020 Indian PM Narendra Modi orders a 21 day lockdown for world’s second most populous country of 1.3 billion people to deal with COVID-19
- 2020 China’s Hubei province, the original center of the COVID-19 outbreak eases restrictions on travel after a nearly two-month lockdown
- 2018 Australian batsman Cameron Bancroft is caught on camera rubbing match ball with an object during 3rd Cricket Test in Cape Town, resulting in an infamous ball tampering scandal
- 2020 Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe announces postponement of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games until summer of 2021 because of the worldwide COVID-19pandemic