Central Coast Chronicle

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International Volunteer Managers Day Guy Fawkes Day (marking the anniversary of the Catholic conspirator being executed for attempting to blow up King James I and the British Parliament in 1605) […]

International Volunteer Managers Day

Guy Fawkes Day (marking the anniversary of the Catholic conspirator being executed for attempting to blow up King James I and the British Parliament in 1605)

World Tsunami Awareness Day

Birthdays for singer Art Garfunkel (1941), businesswoman/reality TV star Kris Jenner (1955), singer Bryan Adams (1959), actor Tilda Swinton (1960) and guitarist Kevin Jonas (1987)

Anniversary of:
• the launch of Monopoly by the Parker Brothers (1935)
• Franklin D Roosevelt re-elected (1940) and Richard Nixon elected (1968) US President
• the release of the Paradise Papers (2015)

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