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Chronicle Counsel

Welcome to Central Coast Chronicle.

I thought this first blog post should give prospective customers an insight into how this idea for Central Coast Chronicle came about.

I’ve had my own PR agency for ten years, in this time two of the more common requests I’ve had are clients asking me for referrals to other service providers (videographers, SEO consultants and so on) and I’ve had clients, friends, colleagues ask for my input as to when is a “good time” to hold an event.

After much planning, doodling and designing – Central Coast Chronicle is the result.

In summary, I’m hoping that Central Coast Chronicle will be a “go-to” site for businesses so they can collaborate and connect.

For this to happen, there needs to be a membership area – this is where you’ll find details of all the registered businesses.

The beauty of Central Coast Chronicle is that we’re making the service open to businesses and not-for-profits.

The calendar component is one that I think will help so many businesses.

I’ve heard in personal and professional conversations, “oh I didn’t know that was on this weekend!”

The calendar function aims to allow businesses to log their events (no matter how big or small) so that all the members right across the board can see what’s going on when and where. So not only professionally will there be the opportunity to avoid diary clashes, you’ll have an insiders knowledge as to what’s happening when!

Beyond the planning, you’ll be able to see what events are coming up and connect with those businesses to explore how a collaborative venture might be mutually beneficial.

Beyond the two core services offered by “The Chronicle”, occasionally, we’ll update you with requests from our members who may be looking for goody-bag fulfilment, sponsorship requests or perhaps a sponsored promotion of an upcoming event.

I also want to highlight that just because we’re called the Central Coast Chronicle, that’s where the journey starts! We’re open to businesses outside the Coast joining the service to highlight their services that they offer to the region.

Central Coast Chronicle aims to be the ultimate planning tool.

I’m looking forward to connecting, collaborating and growing the Chronicle and your business.