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That’s a (fantastic) wrap!

That's a (fantastic) wrap!

Sponsored post – That’s a (fantastic) wrap!

Car signage / having a car wrap can really add value to your business.

Our friends at Display Power are the EXPERTS when it comes to car signage – for vehicles of ALL sizes.

You just have to look at their work with local business, East Coast Juices to see how varied the work they’ve done on car wraps is and how very effective it can be.

From trucks, to their vintage ute which you’ll often find at events all around the Coast and elsewhere, this incredible car signage is the work of the Display Power team.

Importantly, with any OOH (Out Of Home) advertising, your car signage /car wrap needs to be CLEAR and SUCCINCT.

Don’t try and cram your website, Facebook page, Instagram Handle, Mobile Number AND email address all in one mention on your vehicle.

Remember people are meant to be focusing on the road!

You want something that can be understood and read in half a second (sometimes even less!) Big bold fonts are best, avoid cursive if you can and keep your colour scheme easy to read too.

You want your car signage to be visible morning, noon and night.

Remember placement too, this will vary vehicle to vehicle, but Display Power can provide the best advice for your specific needs.

Stick with your branding guidelines. Just because you’re advertising on your car (obviously this now becomes a company car) this isn’t the time to mess with your branding. Keep it consistent with what you have everywhere else. You want that recall factor to work!

However, don’t be afraid to be a little creative within those boundaries, again, Display Power can provide some ideas for your consideration that will suit your vehicle and brand.

If you’re ready to take your car signage /car wrap to the next level, contact the Display Power team and get ready to say “That’s a (fantastic) wrap! ”


vintage ute has words east coast (for east coast beverages) on it with blue skies and orange trees around it

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