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On the Central Coast, during Summer it’s hard to find a sporting field that doesn’t have some form of cricket match underway. It may be a group of mates out for “a bit of a hit” or it may be something more organised. We love our cricket on the Coast and it’s great news to hear that community cricket will receive a boost thanks to an $8,000 grant from the NSW ICC T20 World Cup Cricket Legacy Fund.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said funding for the Terrigal Matcham Cricket Club would help to improve participation for girls and women.

“I congratulate Terrigal Matcham Cricket Club for receiving $8,000 to promote girls’ participation in the sport, and offer more player coaching for girls and women,” Mr Crouch said.

“This funding from the final round of NSW ICC T20 World Cup Cricket Legacy Fund will see grassroots cricket made more accessible for players of all ages and abilities.”

Deputy Premier John Barilaro said the NSW Government is committed to supporting cricket in the regions.

“As Aussies we love our cricket and this is particularly true in regional NSW where a large social network often revolves around the local cricket club,” Mr Barilaro said.

Acting Minister for Sport Geoff Lee said the NSW Government has been proud to help upgrade cricket facilities and boost grassroots development.

“We are committed to ensuring a lasting legacy from hosting T20 World Cup matches in Sydney and the legacy fund continues to deliver great outcomes,” Dr Lee said.

Cricket NSW Chief Executive Officer Lee Germon congratulated the successful recipients, acknowledging the role theLegacy Fund has played in helping to grow participation.

“Through the wonderful generosity of the NSW Government, $6 million in grants has been distributed to clubs and councils right across NSW to support participation growth and leave a lifelong legacy for our cricket communities”, Mr Germon said.

“The past two rounds of the Fund have had an incredible impact on cricket in NSW and this final round will be no different. Congratulations to all of the successful recipients and thank you for your support of cricket in your community.”

The NSW ICC T20 World Cup will be held in 2022, with seven matches proposed to be held in Sydney. Fixtures and ticketing details will be available in 2021.

For more information, go to: www.sport.nsw.gov.au/t20worldcupfund.


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Our thanks to Adam Crouch MP for the information.