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Get ready for Paddy & Rob Palmer in 2023

Get ready for Paddy & Rob Palmer in 2023

It’s not long now until our mornings will filled with laughter and we’re able to Get ready for Paddy & Rob Palmer in 2023 on Triple M Central Coast. 

These two loveable larrikins are getting ready to make your mornings a bit brighter in 2023. 

We sat down with Paddy & Rob Palmer to ask them about their year in 2022 and what they’re both looking forward to this year… prepare yourself for some laughs!


Funniest thing that happened in 2022?

Paddy –  I got pulled over by the cops for a breath test. They thought I was drunk, but I was just avoiding pot holes on Aston Rd Erina. 😂 

Rob– how about you? It’d have to be Micky D driving the mobility scooter into the Triple M offices after our final day of “Walk to Work Wednesdays”. It didn’t fit but he made it fit…. 



What are you guys looking forward to in 2023 – aside from more laughs, because I think that’s a given..

Paddy – The Broncos to win the NRL Premiership. Or not… (Crickets….then laughs…)

Rob – I’d have to say, My eldest child getting his P plates! 


Get ready for Paddy & Rob Palmer in 2023


Resolutions are you for them or not? 

Rob – I’m for them, especially ones that include Not falling for another one of Paddy Gerrard’s stitch ups. 

Paddy – Nay… 😉


Your predictions for 2023?

Paddy – Central Coast Roads will have no potholes. Or not…  

Rob – Paddy ‘s complexion will remain as tanned as Panadol.




Remember you can listen to the best of the guys on the Listnr app and on Triple M Central Coast 107.7