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Central Coast businesses are registering for COVID-safe credentials en-masse, with the number of local increasing by 371% in the past month – it must be said, an incredible effort for our region.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch congratulated local business owners for rising to the challenge.

“New figures released show that a total of 2,191 local businesses now have a COVID-safe tick of approval, which is compared to 590 just a month ago,” Mr Crouch said.

“With the COVID-19 pandemic now reaching its sixth month, it’s a difficult time for everyone in our community. I want to thank local business owners who are doing the right thing to protect people on the Central Coast.”

Mr Crouch said following the COVID-safe requirements is not optional – “There are still some local businesses who are still not doing the right thing and risk being locations where COVID-19 could be more easily spread.”

“NSW Police, Liquor & Gaming inspectors and NSW Health officials are enforcing the requirements and penalties for wrongdoing include significant fines or forced closures.


“The NSW Government has made the COVID-safe registration process as easy as possible. There’s no excuse for local business owners to ignore this important requirement.”

The Public Health Orders allow for penalties of up to $55,000, and a further $27,500 penalty for each day an offence continues, for businesses that breach these requirements. On-the-spot fines can also be issued.

For more information, go to: www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/covid-safe-businesses.


Our thanks to Central Coast Chronicle member, Adam Crouch for this information. If you’d like to join Adam and other businesses on Central Coast Chronicle, click here for our membership details. 


Specific statistics:


Postcode Number of COVID-safe businesses (23 July) Number of COVID-safe businesses (24 August)
2083 4 17
2250 175 640
2251 40 158
2256 21 105
2257 41 158
2258 7 28
2259 103 382
2260 38 172
2261 79 285
2262 24 59
2263 52 169
2775 6 18
Total 590 2,191